‘Is Yagya or Agnihotra relevant in the today’s time?
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Jha, A. (2019). ‘Is Yagya or Agnihotra relevant in the today’s time?. Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research, 2(1), 65 - 67. https://doi.org/10.36018/ijyr.v2i1.34


Since past 25 years, I have been experiencing the positive takeaways of Gayatri Yagya, performed daily at my home. Hence, I decided to incorporate this process in our hospital routine. Initiated in 2004, it has been a journey of a good 15 years now that Yagya is an integral part of the early morning hospital hours. The relatives of the critically ill patients, especially those who are in the ICU and the ones who are lined up for various cardiac procedures and cardiac operations are encouraged to take part in the havan (Yagya or Agnihotra).

The acceptance and the proactive response of the relatives have been very positive and encouraging. The satisfaction and calmness on their countenance says it all. Several of them have revealed at the time of discharge that this was one of the best things they have done in their lifetime.  

In addition to this, it is also observed that the requirement of antibiotics is minimum for the patients and for a heart operation like coronary bypass surgery, we do not require antibiotics higher than 2nd generation Cephalosporins and the infection rate is close to zero. With my combined years of overall experience, I can only attribute it to the antibacterial properties of Yagna fumes.

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