This article presents English translation and discussion of some excerpts of a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya (Acharyashri), in which, with reference to the Vedic and other ancient scriptures, Acharyashri explains in detail various enlightening philosophical teachings (which include righteous knowledge, diligent endeavors, virtuous emotions thoughts actions, propagation of virtues, generosity, caring, etc.) and scientific principles (purification of the physical and subtle environment, sharing, therapy for physical or mental or spiritual ailments, creation of parjanya (prana - vital life force), leaving vicious tendencies and adopting virtuous tendencies, etc.), associated with the physical and subtle virtuous conduct of the fire-ritual of yagya, which can lead to the awakening of divinity (virtuous tendencies) in human beings, and revival of the ancient era of truth and harmony (Satyug) on the earth; this in turn can lead to the solution of various problems faced by humanity today, both at the individual and the global level.
Perspective on a discourse of Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya (in Hindi language) on the topic “यज्ञ एक शिक्षण भी, उच्चस्तरीय विज्ञान भी" (which can be translated as ‘Yagya conveys enlightening philosophical teachings and is also a high level science’) – the Hindi text of this discourse is available in the April 2008 to July 2008 issues of the Akhand Jyoti (Hindi) magazine, and the audio file of this discourse is available in reference.
Pandya P (Editor). Yagya Ek Shikshan Bhi, Uchchastariya Vigyan Bhi (Yagya Conveys Enlightening Philosophical Teachings and Is Also a High-Level Science) (Hindi) – Part 1. Akhand Jyoti Magazine (Hindi). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan; 2008. Accessed on 6 February 2024. Available online from: [awgp.org](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2008/April/v1.45).
Pandya P (Editor). Yagya Ek Shikshan Bhi, Uchchastariya Vigyan Bhi (Yagya Conveys Enlightening Philosophical Teachings and Is Also a High-Level Science) (Hindi) – Part 2. Akhand Jyoti Magazine (Hindi). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan; 2008. Accessed on 6 February 2024. Available online from: [awgp.org](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2008/May/v1.45).
Pandya P (Editor). Yagya Ek Shikshan Bhi, Uchchastariya Vigyan Bhi (Yagya Conveys Enlightening Philosophical Teachings and Is Also a High-Level Science) (Hindi) – Part 3. Akhand Jyoti Magazine (Hindi). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan; 2008. Accessed on 6 February 2024. Available online from: [awgp.org](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2008/June/v1.46).
Pandya P (Editor). Yagya Ek Shikshan Bhi, Uchchastariya Vigyan Bhi (Yagya Conveys Enlightening Philosophical Teachings and Is Also a High-Level Science) (Hindi) – Part 4. Akhand Jyoti Magazine (Hindi). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan; 2008. Accessed on 6 February 2024. Available online from: [awgp.org](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2008/July/v1.44).
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Sharma S. Rigveda Samhita - Saral Hindi Bhavarth Sahit - Part 1 (Hindi). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Yug Nirman Yojna, Gayatri Tapobhumi; 2005. Accessed on 10 February 2024. Available online from: [awgp.org](http://literature.awgp.org/book/rigveda/v1.1).
Pandya P (Editor). Awakening Divinity in Human Being. Akhand Jyoti Magazine (English). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan; 2003. Accessed on 5 February 2024. Available online from: [awgp.org Part 1](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2003/Jan_Feb/v1.AwakeningDivinity), [awgp.org Part 2](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2003/Mar_Apr/v1.AwakeningDivinity), [adhyatmik-kayakalp](https://sites.google.com/view/adhyatmik-kayakalp/english-translation-lectures-revered-gurudev/awakening-divinity-in-human).
Pandya P (Editor). The Practical Aspect of Dhyan Yoga (Part 1). Akhand Jyoti Magazine (English). Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan; 2003. Accessed on 5 February 2024. Available online from: [Part 1](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2003/Sept_Oct/PracticalAspectDhyanYoga), [Part 2](http://literature.awgp.org/akhandjyoti/2003/Nov_Dec/v1.PracticalAspectDhyan_Yoga_II), [adhyatmik-kayakalp](https://sites.google.com/view/adhyatmik-kayakalp/english-translation-lectures-revered-gurudev/practical-aspect-dhyan-yoga).
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