Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a major cause of mobility impairment. Therapeutic interventions conventionally employed for OA include the use of physiotherapy, patient education and weight control, drug therapy that includes non-opioid analgesics, topical analgesics, opioid analgesics and intra articular steroid injection. At times, cases of OA also extend on to knee arthroplasty (knee- replacement) surgery too. However, side-effect free, long-term management of this disease still remains a challenge. Purpose: Classical Ayurveda locks in the symptoms of Osteoarthritis as Janu Sandhigata Vata, where Janu refers to knee, sandhi is joint and Vata is the air element permeating the knee joint – in this case,.With advancing age, the influence of Vata Dosha increases, resulting in the gradual degeneration of the body. Sandhigata Vata can be defined as a disease of sandhi (articulation) with symptoms of - sandhi shool(shola- pain) (joint pain), sandhi shotha (shotha - inflammation) (inflamation in joints), etc. Hence, the medicinal herbs that balance the Vata Dosha, as well as provide nourishment to the body tissues, are used in the Ayurvedic treatment of OA of the knee. A number of medicinal herbs have been found to be effective in this regard. Yagya Therapy provides pulmonary inhalation of medicinal smoke of multiple herbs (generated through oblation in fire along with chanting of Vedic hymns), which have the potential for the treatment of OA of the knee, and associated difficulties. Methodology: A case report about a male patient, who was suffering from Osteoarthritis (OA) in the right knee, as well as other associated difficulties, has been presented in this article. The patient was prescribed an integrated approach pivoting onYagya Therapy (using an appropriate herbal formulation - hawan-samagri), and some other Ayurvedic treatments like decoction (kwath) of medicinal herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, dietary restrictions, etc. Discussion: Before taking up the integrated approach pivoting on Yagya Therapy (prescribed in the present study), the patient suffered from excruciating knee-pain that resulted in a limping gait. Post-initiation of the prescribed treatment the pain issue accompanied by limping gait is seen to be almost completely resolved. The patient is able to manage long walks up to half a kilometer without experiencing discomfort. . Earlier, the patient had to take support while changing posture from sitting to standing, and vice-versa; now he can change posture without support; Prior to therapy, patient was not able to sit cross legged on floor, which is an integral part of Indian lifestyle – now he does so, sans any discomfort. There is a definite amelioration in the patient’s pain management regime. Conclusion: The present study shows encouraging result with regards to the effectiveness of integrated approach including Yagya Therapy in the treatment of symptoms associated with OA of the knee, and associated complexities.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Alka Mishra, Lalima Batham, Shilpi Verma, Saurabh Mishra, Vandana Shrivastava