Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system that involves infiltration of blood, bone marrow, and other tissues by poorly differentiated hematopoietic cells. Although several treatment methodologies have been employed for the treatment of AML, complete remission and long-term management of this disease is still not achieved. Purpose: As per the classical texts of Ayurveda, the disease that resembles the symptoms associated with malignancy is called Arbuda, and when Rakta (Blood) Dhatu is primarily involved in its manifestation, it is called Raktarbuda, which has associated symptoms of bleeding tendency, anemia, etc. Arbuda may be produced by the vitiation of the three Doshas (i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscles) and Medas (fat) Dhatus; hence, treatments, including herbal medicines, that balance these are recommended for the management of the symptoms associated with Arbuda. Yagya Therapy provides pulmonary inhalation of medicinal smoke of multiple herbs (generated through oblation in fire along with chanting of Vedic hymns), which provide therapeutic benefits. The Vedic hymns also contribute to the positive restructuring of the psyche of the patient. Methods: A case report about a female patient, who was suffering from symptoms associated with AML, as well as other associated ailments, has been presented in this article. The patient was prescribed an integrated approach including Yagya Therapy (using an appropriate herbal formulation - hawan samagri), and some other Ayurvedic treatments like decoction of medicinal herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, dietary recommendations, etc. Results: Before starting the integrated approach including the Yagya Therapy (prescribed in the present study), the patient had several complaints including bleeding piles, constipation, vomiting, breathlessness, body pain, head-ache, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, weakness, stress, depression; after taking the integrated approach including Yagya Therapy, the complaints of bleeding piles, vomiting, breathlessness were completely resolved; there was about 75% relief in the complaints of constipation, loss of appetite, body pain; and there was notable relief (about 50%) in the remaining complaints as well. Overal, there was definite improvement in the contition of the patient. Conclusion: The integrated approach including Yagya Therapy showed encouraging results with regards to the management of symptoms associated with AML, as well as other associated ailments.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Saurabh Mishra, Vandana Shrivastava, Lalima Batham, Alka Mishra