Diabetes is a disease that occurs when blood glucose level is too high. To control blood glucose levels in diabetic patients, modern therapies with a healthy diet and regular physical activity has been a good approach for the management of the diabetes. However, the disease eventually becomes deepen in most of the patients with age, and current approaches are not sufficient, demanding supportive and alternative approaches. The present paper portrays a contextual analysis of the impact of Yagya Therapy on diabetic level (HbA1C) in 2 weeks, using an appropriate herbal formulation on 10 patients, who had been experiencing diabetes since recent years. 10 diabetic patients (5 males and 5 females) on allopathic medicine for past more than 1 year without any change in medication and dose in past 3 months participated in the study. They were given 13 days of Yagya Therapy twice a day and their pre and post blood level of fasting glucose, Post Prandial (PP) glucose, and HbA1C were measured. Among 10 patients only 6 had attended nearly all of the sessions. Among 6 Patient, all of them showed reduction in the HbA1c value. The four of the patients, it was remarkable HbA1c difference i.e. 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2 respectively indicating impressive results i.e. affecting 3 months glucose sugar average and producing reduction in them with just 26 sessions in 13 days. The present study indicated Yagya therapy as a potential supportive and alternative solution in the management of diabetes. The increase in the time duration of the Yagya Therapy for more than 3-6 months may give the desired results for managing the diabetes.
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