Understanding Indian cultural and ritual perspective of India has been important aspect of the sociologists and culturists. Perspective on Indian culture can be availed through understanding of Yagya as it is the basis of Indian culture. Survey by Nielsen Corporation has shown the proud feeling of Indians towards their culture while Wiber J Scott indicated that Indian students studying in America had gone to a level of ‘difficult situation’ towards understanding their culture and spirituality. Hence, the present study aimed to find understanding-level of youth (18-40 years) towards contemporary scenario of Yagya. The survey-questionnaire (self-prepared, Google form) was circulated through digital platforms. 566 participants had responded from the different disciplines and professions. 96.99% participants were aware of the term ‘Yagya’ or ‘Hawan’ and indicated it as important for health, environment, and spiritual development and for attaining peace of mind too, while 86.21% believed to have Yagya as part of daily life. The study has shown that youth were aware with the general and basic understanding of Yagya used in ceremonial purposes and surprisingly they (58.83%) also felt that it does not belong to one specific community or religion. However, there is also a category of youth (35.86%) that did not agree nor did that know about it (5.3%). It is also important to note that the questionnaire was circulated through social-media platforms and sharing of link was of personal interest, the majority of participants were familiar with Yagya, hence, such cross sectional study with wider population would justify the present research attempt.
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