The basic objective of the establishment of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya is to restore the ancient Indian principles, develop indigenous technology and provide value-based education to the students by introducing values of life to them. It gives us immense pleasure to publish Volume 5 Issue 1 of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research (IJYR) of Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar, U.K. With the present issue, IJYR has completed its 4 years of serving unique articles integrating the science and spirituality of Yagya at their level. Yagya is Having an impact on all the dimensions of society and individual life, Yagya is indeed the basis of Indian culture. This issue presents a wide spectrum of Yagya research from the phytochemical and antimicrobial activity of Yagya fumes, the mathematical study of Yagya shala, scientific importance of the spiritual temples, pieces of evidence of Yagya in ancient Indian history to psychological importance of Yagya.
The first paper explores the antimicrobial activity of Yagya fumes generated by Yagya of medicinal herbs followed by the complete phytochemical analysis of the same. In their study, the author concluded that Hawan is a scientific technique to reduce airborne viable bacterial load, reduce pollutants post-Hawan and increase the nutrient-medicinal value of air in an eco-friendly way, with the release of a unique combination of antibacterial compounds known to have multi-dimensional health benefits.The second paper is the mathematical study of the Yagya Mandap through the study of ancient Indian literature. In the study, the author found that the size of the Yagya Mandap varies with the number of kund placed in the Yagyashala and is classified on various grounds like category, size, purpose, number of pillars and number of Yagya kund inside it. The second paper presents the Yagya shala construction according to ancient literature.
The third paper states the fact that Yagya is an ancient practice of India through a survey of the jageshwar temple of lord shiva and also justifies the fact with the archaeological study. The Yagya kund of Jageshwar temple is 7th century old and highlights the cultural manifestation of that time and common belief of the society of that era.
The path towards the deep secrets of spirituality proceeds only after understanding the life. Indian scriptures teaches how to live balanced life. The fourth paper is a perspective paper in which the author studied the Yagya mentioned in Indian scripture Ramcharit Manas a divine epic written by Maharshi Tulsidas in Kashi Varanasi. The paper speaks about the relevance of Yagya mentioned in Ramcharit Manas to the current time. According to the author, the Ramcharit Manas justify the importance and presence of Yagya in the life of all living creatures.
Lastly, Vidhya Singh has studied the psychological impact and importance of the Yagya. It is a perspective article which explores the importance of Yagya for nature’s health and its role in natural cycles. The author also speaks about the role of Yagya in human health specifically mental health and its benefits for a healthy life.
We heartily congratulate and thank to the reviewers and all the contributors. Hope, this issue of Journal will inspire and generate interest among researchers, educators, policy makers and professionals to understand the significance of Indigenous Knowledge in present era. We also thank all the readers and seek your feedback to make the journal a more effective vehicle in the field of Indigenous knowledge. Enjoy reading and enrich yourself. Have a wonderful year ahead.

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