The practice of Yagya, a traditional Vedic ritual involving the combustion of specific materials, has significant therapeutic potential through its fume. We examined the Yagya fume for particulate matter (PM) and various gas levels. In the open-room environment (n= 40) PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 levels exceeded 1000 µg/m3. However, these levels returned to the baseline of 250 µg/m3 just after the Yagya. Carbon dioxide remained consistent, with median concentrations of 2000 ppm with or without Yagya. Carbon monoxide (CO) levels increased to 20 ppm during the Yagya but remained at 0.4 ppm after the Yagya, like normal air conditions. In the closed-room environment (n= 3), immediate increases in PM levels above 1000 µg/m3 were observed, which gradually decreased to 250 µg/m3 after around 15 hours of Yagya. CO2 and CO levels initially rose and decreased to normal levels after 6 to 7 hours. Nitrogen oxides NOx and Ozone exhibited slight increases during Yagya, while Sulfur Dioxide SO2 levels remained unchanged. We suggest that the high PM levels during Yagya are unique to the source, viz., medicinal wood, Ghee, and Hawan samagri (herbal mixture), necessitating further investigation.
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